stay well banner with photo of little girl playing doctor with stuffed bare

Make your home ready for a healthy you

  • Taking medicine – What is in your medicine cabinet? How do you take your medicine safely?
  • Sick days – There are days when you feel sick or have a new pain or injury. How can you get ready for these days?

Ready your home for sick days

Watch out for bad habits

How will you decide what interests you?

How will you decide what is safe for you?

  • Caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, street drugs
Pros and cons

Keep from getting hurt

How do you keep safe in the world around you?

What events can be risky?

How can you be careful if you want to do something risky?

  • Home - cooking, cleaning, fire alarms, power tools, falls, guns, etc.
  • Car – seatbelts, impaired or distracted drivers
  • Sports – safety gear, in the water, check your body, check with your doctor
Keep from getting hurt